Astro Talk Report

Your Astrological Life Portrait

Astro Talk Report - No matter what other astrological reports you eventually read about yourself, this is the one to start with.

A Quick Understanding of Astro Talk

Astro Talk

Click here to fill out birth data and order your Astro Talk Report now.

More About Your Astro Talk Report Here

All the planets, signs, houses, aspects, transits, and everything else that makes up a chart reading are laid out on the table for you.

This is your life portrait, with a powerful triple focus:

  • who you are from birth — how your birth chart describes you, from tip to toe - your potentials, your talents, what's driving you inside and out. The fundamentals of complete horoscope analysis.
  • how your life develops — your stages of achievement through the years, as described by Saturn, the marker of time.
  • what's happening now — your current focus and springboard to the future, related by Jupiter, the planet of growth.

Astrology Profile and Geographic Astrology

Here is an overview of what you get with this Report and Astrology Profile:
  • Burn rate — are you burning your candle at both ends, or do you conserve personal energy? Do you run white-hot or are you cool to the touch? Take your life temperature…
  • Deep sky delineation — where planetary orbits cross tell the story of your most committed, unchangeable inner directions.
  • Soul survey — how your heliocentric (Sun-centered) and geocentric (Earth-centered) charts combine to describe your place in the universe.

If you never get another astrology report, this is the one to have. And if you're just entering the world of astrology, you'll want this report first — it's the beginning of a whole new world of self-understanding.


Current Astro Talk Report 'Special Pricing' is $15.95 CAD. This Astrological Life Portrait is one of the most advanced and comprehensive astrological interpretations with no-nonsense descriptions.

These are comprehensive, detailed reports hand processed personally by me. They are custom interpretations and are created specifically for you.

What information is required?

Your natal horoscope chart is constructed using your date, location and time of birth to calculate (the time can be approximate if you don't know). Below is a questionnaire to ensure you have everything before ordering.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. There is always a link at the bottom of every page to contact me. Your package will include my direct email address.

To create your Astro Talk Report - First I need your birth data

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
Last Name
E-mail Address*
Zip/Postal Code
Home Phone
Business Phone
Your Birth Date : Month/Day/Year*
Your birth time is*
This time is in in the*
AM (Morning)
PM (Afternoon/Evening)
Your birth time is*
Close, but maybe an hour either way
Within a few hours either way
No idea, so I used noon
Location of Birth - Town*
State / County/ Region*

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to know my precise birth time?
The date and location of birth must be accurate. It is best to have the time as close as possible. If you have no idea then it is best to use noon on your date of birth for your time.

How long does it take to receive it?
Your package will be delivered via email. I promise delivery within 24 hours however it usually takes less than that. These reports are processed and checked by me.


Take me back to the questionnaire please!




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