Whether you are looking for a little information or a lot, you will find a unique astrological profile here that will suit your needs at this moment in time. Each is a written computer-generated astrological report that I create specifically for you and that is emailed as a .doc attachment directly to you.
Here are descriptions of the different types of charts available by category to help you with what you are looking for.
There is no better boat than a horoscope
to help a man cross over the sea of life.
~Varaha Mihira
In astrology, your natal chart which is often referred to as birth chart, shows the positions of the planets and astrological houses in the sky at the moment of your birth. Often the description of natal astrology birth chart, birth chart and horoscope chart are the terms used.
Your Astrological Life Portrait.
The beginning of a whole new world of self-understanding.
All the planets, signs, houses, aspects, transits that make up a reading are laid out for you.
The Door To Yourself, Is The Door To The Universe
Reach out and open it. From beginning to end, it's an intimate revealing personal descriptio of the major themes of your life..
Written in a gentle, personal style, this is consistently one of the favorites.
Heaven Knows What Natal Report
A Blueprint To Your Personality
Offering you a sense of clarity and understanding that will give you the confidence you need to make the decisions you must to achieve personal fulfillment.
If your birth time is not known - this is the best choice for you.
A Woman In A World Of Change
An amazing guidepost to the most important aspect of your life; an understanding of yourself.
Designed for you, a woman in a world of change, a woman seeking to become whole. Self understanding has a marvelous way of emphasizing your personal power.
Seeds of Destiny
In the midst of every-day life, there is the still, small voice of the spirit calling us on to a greater quest, the path that awaits when we are ready for the journey.
In this report the secrets of your personal quest are revealed through your natal chart.
The Perfect Job
The "perfect job" blurs the line between work and play. It makes you want to leap out of bed in the morning. It satisfies you to the depths of your soul.
It's out there waiting for you. Opportunities can help you find it.
An Astrological Start-Up Manual For Your Child
Here is an insightful perspective that can help you instantly attune to how best to guide your child.
Each child is different; each comes with a set of totally unique talents and potentials. Find out all you can about yours now, with a lifetime still ahead of you.
Friends & Lovers Relationship Report
Is This Person Right For MeWhether it's love and marriage, or business and success, finding the right person is absolutely essential.
When you put two horoscopes together, you can see where the sparks will fly and what to watch out for - for good or bad, for love or money.
In astrology there are a variety of tools and methods to help identify future life themes and changes in your life. Become 'astrologically aware' and take advantage of upcoming opportunities in your life.
What's Happening Now - What's In My Future
Lining up planetary events as they affect you from day to day, month to mont - in chronological order.
TimeLine is a powerful forecasting tool. You can glimpse events, look at long or short periods; get an overview or delve into the details.
An understanding of the stars, and a look at what's coming as your evolution, a personal tapestry whose threads weave the patterns of your life.
Gives the big picture of what is happening in the upcoming year and then brings it down to the details.
Life Progressions Forecast Report
Inner Growth - Outer DevelopmentsA clear picture painted of both your inner growth throughout the years and the outer developments that come along in sync with them.
The next chapter in your life story may be the best yet!
Set The Stage for Your Coming Year
Find out what themes and life issues are in play for your upcoming year. The exact time of one's solar retrun is a sacred annual event for each individual.
The quality of that moment - the time of one's solar return becomes the seed of the annual cycle.
Your Personal Moon Forecast
Paints your emotional landscape day by day and reveals the tides that wash over your life as the Moon drives her daily course.
Daily descriptions of your personal Moon forecast that propel your month's activities and events.
You have to know exactly when to make your move, then trust in luck.
When your own natal horoscope is placed together with all the winning rules, what prints out is a moment-to-moment picture of when the planets are smiling on you - exactly when luck is on your side.
AstroCartoGraphy Geographic Report
Location - Location - LocationYour luck, experiences, and the options available to you can vary radically from one geographic location to another.
Your personal life, your business life, even your spiritual well-being all benefit from your heightened awareness of the influences of geographic location contained within an Astro*Carto*Graphy Report
Best Places For You
Discover Your Power Places
Sacred Geometry Design
Represents the Astrological Calendar and the Lunar Cycles
Harmonic Jewels
Activate and cleanse each chakra, the energy centres of the body.
Energy Lineage
Fascinated by Ancient Egyptian Mysticism - these instruments were to hold a perfect matrix of universal energy.
Divine Connection
Sacred geometric design known among many cultures around the world - both ancient and modern, as it is known to strengthen intuition and one's connection to the Divine. The 'Flower of Life'.
Your Life Path
We each have to make
our way in this world
this is Your Personal Guide
Career Life Path
Your guide to your Life Vocation and Career
Relationship Life Path
Find out how you approach relationships... Lover, Family, Friends, Co-workers
Life Strategy
Your Life Strategy based on
your talents and your needs
Your Life Chakras
Your likes and dislikes
your personal best and your challenges