The birth time is usually found on the birth certificate.
We need the birth time to be able to calculate your horoscope correctly. The birth time needs to be as accurate as possible. There are a number of astrological techniques which require precision up to the minute. Even a computerized interpretation can change from one moment to the next. So, the less precise the time, the less precise the horoscope will be. Even 15 minutes can make a difference in the interpretation.
In order to get the positions of the Ascendant, Sun, Moon and planets right it really is best for you to give us the most precise birth time you can give us. The skies above us move so quickly. The less precise the time, the less precise the horoscope.
One popular computer written report we have is called Heaven Knows What is valid even for those who don;t know their time of birth. Focus is placed on those factors that are in effect throughout the birth day. The only exeception to this is in the case of the Moon because it moves so quickly it can move to another sign within a day. Over time working with an astrologer can help fine tune this as planetary cycles and where they are effecting you in your life can add clarity to where things fall in your chart and act almost as if you did know your exact birth time.
A written report cannot replace the personal dialogue between an astrologer and a client, although it is extremely insightful and helpful. One client's perspective was that it was like comparing fast-food to a gourmet dinner.
This varies according to different people. Here are some examples:
Best Places For You
Discover Your Power Places
Astro-Talk Report
Your Astrological Life Portrait. This is one of the of the most advanced and comprehensive astrological interpretations.
Heaven Knows What
An intimate journey of self-discovery. If you don't know your birth time this is the choice for you.
Sky Within
A journey through the astrological aspects of your spirit being. Written in a gentle, personal style for you.
To see our full range of options go to our
Astro-Profles page.
Solar Return
What magic does your upcoming year hold for you. Don't let a birthday pass by without looking at your personal astrological Solar Return. Considered a sacred moment and a special time to set the stage for your journey through the next twelve months.
Lunar Return
Voted most useful, most informative and most fun! A guide of your personal "moon forecast" for the month to come.
Sky Log
An exceptional forecasting tool. Gives you the big picutre of what is happening in your year to come and then brings it down to the details.
To see our full range of options go to our
Astro-Profiles page.