Leo Compatibility

Zodiac Compatibility - A Quick Summary

Leo compatibility goes beyond the simple characterizations found in newspaper astrology. How compatible are you with your current partner, lover or friend? How can you evaluate your personal, social and business relationships?

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Leo Compatibility Compatibility with Zodiac Signs
Leo - Fire Sign

This is a fire sign so generally gets along well with air signs and other fire signs. These would be Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Of course there is a lot more to it but that is a good start.

This is a people-oriented fixed sign. As a fixed sign they like to deal with people on a one-to-one basis and are often the executives within our world.

People know what to expect from them because they have a steady(fixed) mode of behavior.

This helps the people in their life know what to expect from them and so feel comfortable in dealing with them.

In addition to this sign, the fixed signs of the zodiac also include Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

The fixed power of this sign is reflected in both their personal and group relationships as they have a strong need to be liked by others.

Generally easy going unless they meet opposition - that is when you will see how tough they can be. They are warmhearted and have a genuine concern for others. They possess excellent leaderships skills.

So How Does Your Sun Sign
Get Along With Other Sun Signs

That’s the compatibility question. To begin with, how does your Sun Sign get along with other Sun Signs? There are a few tools on this site that will help you out.

First, you can look at the Zodiac Elements. That will give you an overview as to which signs are in which elements. This is a fire sign – so is challenged by other fire signs and gets along easily with air signs. Fire and air go together – they are great for each other. Water and earth go together. That is the quickest and easiest way to get a quick beat on how you are going to interact with a zodiac sign.

If you are looking at taking your understanding to another level you can explore some of our written reports. I provide very economical compatibility reports that are created personally for you. This can reveal a whole new level of understanding for you. Keep in mind that the Sun Sign is only one component of the whole birth chart. Since there are many other planets in the birth chart – these also are going to play into the compatibility question as well.

If you are looking for an in depth analysis then you are looking a personal reading and can contact me directly here.

Leo Compatibility Forum

Visitor Comments, Experiences & Questions

If YOU would like to share your own experiences as an Leo in a relationship; or about a relationship with a Leo please do.

This can be done anonymously, or you are welcome to include your first name if you prefer. These can include Personal and Social Relationships.

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