Wedding Astrology - How does astrology relate to your wedding and how can it help make it the most magical time in your life.
Wedding Astrology
There are a number of ways that astrology with this focus can have a positive influence on your wedding and the start of your life together.
You will find below each area that relates to this unique area of astrology.
The fun is choosing whether you want to use one or all.
This unique understanding of astrology can truly add some magic to your special day.
What kind of bride will you be? To understand yourself and help you plan your wedding - astrology can help.. Want to know more about wedding astrology and you - and the influence it has on you as a bride to be.
Best to have your own personal bridal consultation. I can provide you with an overview of your special time to come making sure the stars are aligned for your event.
How can you navigate your relationship to make it last a lifetime adventure. This is a milestone event - you are embarking on a life journey with a new partner. Where are your strengths and weaknesses and where are theirs? How can the combination of wedding astrology and your unique relationship work in unison to make this an enchanting life adventure together. Planning the wedding is the introduction to this journey and astrology can help.
If you are looking for a bride and groom personal consultation this is a great way to set the stage for the wedding planning process and the years to come.
Picking the date in through a method known as electional astrology. It is about choosing the most auspicious date to start a new venture and this milestone event is no different.
A great way to start into the planning process is to look at the cycles of the moon. It is best to pick a time on the increasing Moon. You can use our moon cycles to get a sense of that quickly and it also links to a full moon calendar so that you see what is happening with the moon at any given date in the future. Click here to read more here on the moon cycles as a start to planning your wedding.
Finding your magical place is through an area of wedding astrology known as locality astrology. Each of us have unique power points throughout the world that are more meaningful to the individual. For weddings and vow renewals the planet Venus is looked at most closely.
What destinations might be especially meaningful to you for this most important event? Is it a good idea to combine wedding and honeymoon at the same destination? If it is not possible to take your wedding to the destination - how can you bring the influence of the destination into your wedding ceremony? Where would you consider going and would you be combining wedding and honeymoon? Of if this is not a possibility - some things from those places can be included in the ceremony.
If you have an interest in choosing your special place - please contact me directly so we can talk about it in more detail. You can also read more about our wedding packages.
The most enchanting honeymoon - can be an extension of the wedding destination or a uniquely different location. Finding this enchanting place is done through the use of locality astrology. However, if a destination wedding or honeymoon is not in the stars for you we can look at how to bring the destination into the ceremony and your personal celebration afterward.
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