Winning Times ... Luck for Sale!

Know Exactly When To Make Your Move

Winning Times - Sometimes winning is a slam-dunk – you play your hand, you collect the pot. Other times, you know you hold the wrong cards, so you fold and try again. But most of the time, it’s touch and go – everything is up for grabs, and win or lose hang in the balance as you make your call. You have to know exactly when to make your move, then trust in luck.

A Quick Understanding of Winning Times

Winning Times

Click here to fill out birth data and order your Winning Times Report now.

More About Your Winning Times Report Here

Life’s like that, it’s all about timing. One moment you win, the next you lose. It’s up to you – and a little good luck.

But what if you knew which moment was a winner and which a loser? Which instant to lay down your bet and which to walk away? All you need is the key, the key to the moment – the moment of success.

When Exactly Is Luck On Your Side?

Astrologers have spent lifetimes figuring out the exact instant at which favorable planets dominate or disaster lurks in the wings. It’s too complicated for one person to pull together in time to act, but that’s what computers are for. When your own natal horoscope in placed together with all the winning rules, what prints out is a moment-to-moment picture of when the planets are smiling on you – exactly when luck is on your side.

That’s what this fun report will tell you: when you’re hot and when you’re not, according to strict, well-tested astrological rules. We’re not talking generalities here, but down to the minute. With the easy-to-read charts, you will know precisely what times, day and night, you’re astrological chances of winning are brightest and also what moments you should hold on to your winnings and pass the dice along.

Try this report for any area of life where you need extra luck. It could be for making plays at the gambling table, for picking a stock, or for cutting a deal in the boardroom. Any place where your own decision-making could use an extra edge, that’s the place you should be taking a close look at your timing, printed out right in front of you. There are green times for go, red times for stop, all individually tuned to your personal, timed horoscope. Just follow the chart and make your move.


Current Winning Times Two Month Report 'Special Pricing' is $14.95 CAD. Winning Times - is the report for you. Astrology is built around the idea that some times are better than others, fortune smiles on one moment but not on the next. The wheel turns, and your fortunes turn with it. It’s your job to know the wheel and pick your moment. Follow the formula, collect the cash.

What information is required?

Your natal horoscope chart is constructed using your date, location and time of birth to calculate (the time can be approximate if you don't know). Below is a questionnaire to ensure you have everything before ordering.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. There is always a link at the bottom of every page to contact me. Your package will include my direct email address.

To create your Winning Times Report - First I need your birth data

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
Last Name
E-mail Address*
Zip/Postal Code
Home Phone
Business Phone
Your Birth Date : Month/Day/Year*
Your birth time is*
This time is in in the*
AM (Morning)
PM (Afternoon/Evening)
Your birth time is*
Close, but maybe an hour either way
Within a few hours either way
No idea, so I used noon
Location of Birth - Town*
State / County/ Region*
Do you want this forecast to begin immediately or what date did you have in mind?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to know my precise birth time?
The date and location of birth must be accurate. It is best to have the time as close as possible. If you have no idea then it is best to use noon on your date of birth for your time.

How long does it take to receive it?
Your package will be delivered via email. I promise delivery within 24 hours however it usually takes less than that. These reports are processed and checked by me.


Take me back to the questionnaire please!




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